Group 199
Group 325
Group 325



Located in Gatineau, the Cabinet d’orthophonie l’Envol is a private clinic that offers speech therapy and orthopedagogy services to children, adolescents and adults. L’Envol now has three service points in Gatineau; two in the Gatineau sector and one in the Hull sector.

Founded in 2018 by Annabel Gironne M.Sc.S. and Sandrine Umunoza M.Sc.S. O(C), the clinic l’Envol opened its doors to meet a need in the Outaouais region: the need for speech therapy and remedial education services for all ages in person or remotely , whether in Gatineau, or in the greater province of Quebec.

Union 12@2x


Create a warm and family environment where we help each person to communicate better while being heard and understood in their uniqueness.

Our vision is to be the recognized leader in the field of speech therapy and remedial education, providing high-quality services that help our clients overcome learning challenges and reach their full potential. We are committed to providing personalized, innovative and caring solutions, fostering an inclusive and stimulating learning environment for each individual we serve.

Union 13@2x
Path 497


The mission of Cabinet d’orthophonie l’Envol is to offer speech therapy and orthopedagogy services for people with language difficulties, pronunciation difficulties, learning difficulties and swallowing difficulties.

Union 14@2x
Path 497


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